C0005119 - <p>Bereavement is the period of grief and mourning after a death. When you grieve, it's part of the normal process of reacting to a loss. You may experience grief as a mental, physical, social or emotional reaction. Mental reactions can include anger, guilt, anxiety, sadness and despair. Physical reactions can include sleeping problems, changes in appetite, physical problems or illness. </p> <p>How long bereavement lasts can depend on how close you were to the person who died, if the person's death was expected and other factors. Friends, family and faith may be sources of support. Grief counseling or grief therapy is also helpful to some people. </p> <p >NIH: National Cancer Institute</p> 2/10
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CUI    C0005119
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001601 L3364793preferred S3892277 Y ПОТЕРЯ, УТРАТА
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001601 L0902438no S1106255 Y POTERIA, UTRATA
RussianMDRRUS 10004479 L15731146no S19090355 Y Утрата близкого человека БДУ
RussianMDRRUS 10004478 L15731147no S19090356 N Утрата близкого человека
RussianMDRRUS 10004478 L15731147no S19090356 Y Утрата близкого человека
RussianMDRRUS 10004480 L15795372no S19075807 Y Реакция на тяжелую утрату
Medical Subject Headings A0030046 AT38145153 Refers to the whole process of grieving and mourning and is associated with a deep sense of loss and sadness.
(CPTSP) CRISP Thesaurus A0474525 AT51225519 process of grieving and mourning; associated with a deep sense of loss and sadness.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A13053228 AT204252481 Vztahuje se na celý proces truchlení a zármutku a je spojena s hlubokým pocitem ztráty a smutku.
MSHNOR A20189263 AT231364021 Henviser til hele prosessen med sorg og sørging og er knyttet til en dyp følelse av tap og bedrøvelse.
MEDLINEPLUS A21144090 AT203072922

Bereavement is the period of grief and mourning after a death. When you grieve, it's part of the normal process of reacting to a loss. You may experience grief as a mental, physical, social or emotional reaction. Mental reactions can include anger, guilt, anxiety, sadness and despair. Physical reactions can include sleeping problems, changes in appetite, physical problems or illness.

How long bereavement lasts can depend on how close you were to the person who died, if the person's death was expected and other factors. Friends, family and faith may be sources of support. Grief counseling or grief therapy is also helpful to some people.

NIH: National Cancer Institute