C0005689 - A congenital anomaly that involves the protrusion of the exstrophied bladder through the abdominal wall. It is an anomaly that exists along the exstrophy- epispadias complex, which frequently includes urethra exstrophy, separation of the pubic symphysis, external rotation of the pelvic bones, and opening of the puborectal sling and sphincters. 1/10
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CUI    C0005689
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001746 L3358703preferred S3886189 Y МОЧЕВОГО ПУЗЫРЯ ВЫВОРОТ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001746 L0899487no S1103304 Y MOCHEVOGO PUZYRIA VYVOROT
RussianMDRRUS 10015720 L15786744no S19094179 Y Экстрофия мочевого пузыря (ЭМП)
RussianMDRRUS 10010453 L15789019no S19024713 N Врожденная эктопия мочевого пузыря
RussianMDRRUS 10010453 L15789019no S19024713 Y Врожденная эктопия мочевого пузыря
RussianMDRRUS 10048597 L15797665no S19094180 Y Экстрофия мочевого пузыря
RussianMDRRUS 10014151 L15797678no S19094258 Y Эктопия мочевого пузыря врожденная
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001746 L9127218no S11382285 Y МОЧЕВОГО ПУЗЫРЯ ЭКСТРОФИЯ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001746 L9127896no S11381247 Y MOCHEVOGO PUZYRIA EKSTROFIIA
Medical Subject Headings A0031285 AT64677090 A birth defect in which the URINARY BLADDER is malformed and exposed, inside out, and protruded through the ABDOMINAL WALL. It is caused by closure defects involving the top front surface of the bladder, as well as the lower abdominal wall; SKIN; MUSCLES; and the pubic bone.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A24273032 AT204251443 Vrozená vývojová vada, součást rozštěpů břišní stěny, obv. spolu s epispadií, různě těžkými malformacemi pohlavních orgánů, ev. také s rozštěpem páteře. Ekstrofie měchýře je defekt přední stěny břišní, při němž je obnažena sliznice měchýře. (cit. Velký lékařský slovník online, 2014 http://lekarske.slovniky.cz/ ) UPRAVIT
HPO A24675513 AT211529966 Eversion of the posterior bladder wall through the congenitally absent lower anterior abdominal wall and anterior bladder wall. [HPO:probinson, pmid:23650202]
NCI National Institute of Child Health and Human Development A25769940 AT210367869 A congenital anomaly that involves the protrusion of the exstrophied bladder through the abdominal wall. It is an anomaly that exists along the exstrophy- epispadias complex, which frequently includes urethra exstrophy, separation of the pubic symphysis, external rotation of the pelvic bones, and opening of the puborectal sling and sphincters.
NCI Thesaurus A25769940 AT230071202 A congenital anomaly that involves the protrusion of the exstrophied bladder through the abdominal wall. It is an anomaly that exists along the exstrophy- epispadias complex, which frequently includes urethra exstrophy, separation of the pubic symphysis, external rotation of the pelvic bones, and opening of the puborectal sling and sphincters.