C0005937 - A usually unilocular, intramedullary cystic cavity in the bone. It is lined by fibrous tissue and is filled with serous or serosanguineous fluid. It can arise from any bone. The most frequent sites are proximal humerus, proximal femur, and proximal tibia. In most cases the lesion is asymptomatic and is usually detected after a pathologic fracture or during radiologic examination for unrelated reasons. Recurrences have been reported in a minority of cases. 1/10
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CUI    C0005937
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001845 L3353635preferred S3881119 Y КОСТНЫЕ КИСТЫ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001845 L0897493no S1101310 Y KOSTNYE KISTY
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001845 L1543409no S1839318 Y SUBKHONDRAL'NYE KISTY
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001845 L1548682no S1844591 Y VNUTRIKOSTNYI GANGLII
RussianMDRRUS 10005952 L15714089no S19042564 N Костная киста
RussianMDRRUS 10005952 L15714089no S19042564 Y Костная киста
RussianMDRRUS 10011743 L15724975no S19041190 Y Киста кости (локализованная), неуточненная
RussianMDRRUS 10011742 L15724976no S19041191 Y Киста кости
RussianMDRRUS 10005953 L15758376no S19042563 Y Костная киста, БДУ
RussianMDRRUS 10041309 L15796201no S19082622 Y Солитарная киста кости
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001845 L3343057no S3870539 Y ВНУТРИКОСТНЫЙ ГАНГЛИЙ
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D001845 L3370940no S3898433 Y СУБХОНДРАЛЬНЫЕ КИСТЫ
Medical Subject Headings A0031966 AT38154267 Benign unilocular lytic areas in the proximal end of a long bone with well defined and narrow endosteal margins. The cysts contain fluid and the cyst walls may contain some giant cells. Bone cysts usually occur in males between the ages 3-15 years.
MSHNOR A21175211 AT221328490 Godartede, avgrensede, lytiske områder i den proksimale delen av lange bein/knokler, med tydelige og tynne endostale kanter. Cystene er væskefylte og veggene kan inneholde kjempeceller. Beincyster forekommer oftest hos gutter i alderen 3-15 år.
Medical Subject Headings Czech A24273823 AT211621165 Benigní jednokomorové lytické léze v proximálních částech dlouhých kostí s dobře definovanými a úzkými endosteálními okraji. Cysta je vystlaná tenkou vazivovou membránou a vyplněná čirou tekutinou, cystické stěny mohou obsahovat některé obří buňky. Kostní cysty se obvykle vyskytují u mužů ve věku 3-15 let.
HPO A24683638 AT206284923 A fluid filled cavity that develops with a bone. [HPO:probinson]
NCI Thesaurus A25763698 AT210374941 A usually unilocular, intramedullary cystic cavity in the bone. It is lined by fibrous tissue and is filled with serous or serosanguineous fluid. It can arise from any bone. The most frequent sites are proximal humerus, proximal femur, and proximal tibia. In most cases the lesion is asymptomatic and is usually detected after a pathologic fracture or during radiologic examination for unrelated reasons. Recurrences have been reported in a minority of cases.