C0043292 - The sex chromosome that is present in both sexes: singly in males and doubly in females. 1/10
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CUI    C0043292
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D014960 L3336772preferred S3864256 Y X-ХРОМОСОМА
RussianMedical Subject Headings Russian D014960 L0907518no S1111335 Y X-KHROMOSOMA
Medical Subject Headings A0134362 AT38154245 The female sex chromosome, being the differential sex chromosome carried by half the male gametes and all female gametes in human and other male-heterogametic species.
Gene Ontology A11612864 AT223974237 The sex chromosome present in both sexes of species in which the male is the heterogametic sex. Two copies of the X chromosome are present in each somatic cell of females and one copy is present in males. [GOC:mah, GOC:mr, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XY_sex-determination_system, ISBN:0582227089, PMID:20622855]
NCI Thesaurus A7640612 AT230069658 The sex chromosome that is present in both sexes: singly in males and doubly in females.