C1862441 - A rare hereditary ataxia with characteristics of an apparently non-progressive or slowly progressive symmetrical ataxia of gait, pyramidal signs in the limbs, spasticity and hyperreflexia (especially in the lower limbs) together with dysarthria and impaired pupillary reaction to light, presenting as a fixed miosis. Nystagmus may also be present. 1/10
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CUI    C1862441
SNOMEDCT_US 3643237016 A29536290 AT235609481 A rare hereditary ataxia with characteristics of an apparently non-progressive or slowly progressive symmetrical ataxia of gait, pyramidal signs in the limbs, spasticity and hyperreflexia (especially in the lower limbs) together with dysarthria and impaired pupillary reaction to light, presenting as a fixed miosis. Nystagmus may also be present.